Revolutionary War Claims for Losses "D"

John Depew

In colonial times John Depue a native of America, lived in Northumberland County, Pennsylvania. During the American Revolution he served in the Indian Department at Fort Niagara. Following the war John Depue/Depew settled in Niagara Township, Lincoln County. The following is his Claim for Revolutionary War Losses heard by the Commissioners of Claims at Niagara on 30 Aug 1787. (AO 12 Vol. 40 P. 374-377)

To the Commissioners appointed by Act of Parliament for enquiring into the Losses and Services of the American Loyalists

The Memorial of John Depue late of Northumberland County in the Province of Pennsylvania but now of Niagara in the Province of Quebec.

Humbly Sheweth,

That your Memorialist at the beginning of the late unhappy disturbances in America was settled in Northumberland County in the Province of Pennsylvania where he was in possession of a good Farm with Buildings thereon erected, Live Stock, Household Furniture, Farming utensils &c the whole valued at £400 New York Currency. –

That understanding Parliament had taken into Consideration the distressed state of the Loyal American Subjects and purpose granting them such Relief as may appear Just and Reasonable in proportion to their Losses

Your Memorialist in behalf of himself and Family humbly prays that you will be pleased to take his Case into your serious Consideration and that you will be pleased to grant him such Relief as may appear reasonable and your Memorialist shall forever pray &c

State of the Effects lost by John Depue late of the Province of Pennsylvania, at the time he made his Escape to the British Army in the year 1777, from which period till the end of the War he carried arms in the Indian Department under Colonel Johnson. –

1250 Acres of Land, Buildings, Household}

Furniture, Live Stock Farming utensils &c } £400 New York Currency

Evidence on the Claim of John Depue, late of Pennsylvania. -

Claimant Sworn

He is a native of America. Lived on Susquehannah, joined the British early, joined Colonel Butler first. Served under him and Colo Johnson all the War, first in the Rangers, Then in the Indian Department. – Was employed to go with Intelligence from Niagara. Now lives at Fort Erie. –

He produces a Commission from Governor Trumbull in the year 1775 appointing him Lieut. in the 9th Company in the 24th Regiment in the said Colony – Says the Chief of that Company joined the Company afterwards. –

He had a Farm on Susquhannah. Produces Copy of Deed from William Paterson to Claimant promising to convey 950Acres in Consideration of his Bond for £475 dated September 1773. –

Claimant says he gave his Bond, of which he has paid £160 and got his Deed.

Produces Copy of Deed from William Paterson & Ph Johnston promising to give a Re1ease of their Right, 300 acres adjoining Claimant’s other Lands on his paying 2 Bonds of £75 each – September 1773 –

He had not paid these 2 Bonds and had not got the Deed. –

Was in possession of all these Lands. Admits they were disputed Lands but he did not know of the disputed Title when he purchased, he had cleared about 30 acres. –

Values the whole of his Property at £400.

He lost 2 Cows, 2 Heifers, 30 Hogs some little Furniture and utensils. –

All these things taken by the Rebels. –

Philip Bender Sworn

Knew Claimant, he has been much distinguished for his Loyalty & Services, one of the first Men who joined the British Troops.

Knew his Farm on the Susquhannah heard that he was entitled to about 900 Acres.

Knew the place where he lived, there was a good clearance. –

Decision of the Commissioners

(AO 12 Vol. 66 P. 58)

John Depue late of the Susquehana River


Amount of Property £225

Determination 7th December 1787

Loyalty. Bore Arms – The Claimant is a Loyalist & Bore Arms in Support of the British Government


Real Estate. A Farm on the Susquehanah}

With Improvements} £129

Persl Estate. Various Articles of Persl Property 20


Loss Proved

Resides at Niagara

Summary of Claim for Losses and Disbursement

(AO 12 Vol. 109 P. 132 Certificate No. 1184)

Name of claimant Depue John; Province Pennsyl; Claim for Loss of Property £225; Sum Originally Allowed £149; Total Sum payable under Act of Parliament £149; Balance After Such Receipt £149; Final Balance £149

The Second Report of The Bureau of Archives for the Province of Ontario, 1904 transcribed from Library of Congress MSS 18,662 Vol. XX MSS. 68 in Second Report P. 985

Proceedings of Loyalist Commissioners

Montreal 1787

Before Commissioner Pemberton

August 30.

Claim of John Depue, late of Pensilva.

Repeats the evidences in AO 12 with the following marginal notes of the Commissioner:



In colonial times Isaac Dolson a native of America, lived on the Susquehannah River in Northumberland County, Pennsylvania. During the American Revolution, he was sutler to Butler’s Rangers at Fort Niagara. Following the American Revolution, Isaac Dolson settled in Niagara Township, Lincoln County. The following is his Claim for Revolutionary War Losses heard by the Commissioners of Claims at Niagara on 31 Aug 1787. (AO 12 Vol. 40 P. 414-416)

An Account of Losses sustained by Isaac Dolson vizt

150 Acres of Land on which was a large dwelling}

House &c ….} £500

Household Furniture …. 50

Farming utensils …. 40

Wheat in the Ground 16 acres 250 Bushels at 5/ …. 62.10

Rye in the Ground 6 acres 120 Bushels at 3/ …. 18

Oats in the Ground 6 acres 200 Bushels at 2/ …. 20

Indian Corn in the Ground 4 acres 100 Bushels at 3/ …. 15

Flax in the Ground 1 acre 100 Bushels at 1/ …. 5

30 Swine …. at 20/ 30

9 Sheep …. at 20/ 9

6 Calves …. at 20/ 6

50 Fowls …. At 6d 1.5

A two year old Heifer …. 2

Pennsa Currency £758.15

Equal in New York Curry to £809.68

Evidence on the Claim of Isaac Dolson, late of Pennsylvania

Claimant Sworn

Says he resided at Niagara in the Fall 1783 & the ensuing Winter.

Is a native of America. Lived on the Susquhannah when the Rebellion broke out. –

In 1779 came to Niagara, he left Home on account of his attachment to His Majesty, he had been imprisoned and could not continue in the Country unless he joined the RebeIs. –

He had been offered by the Rebels a Captain’s Commission which he refused and was put to Goal for it. –

Was Sutler to the Rangers for some time. Now resides at Detroit. –

He had 150 acres on the Susquhannah, Purchased of George Field in 1774, had a Deed Purchased it for £150. – George Field had a Title under Pennsylvania Government. – It was in Northumberland. – It was disputed Land, but says he paid 20/ p acre, the usual price. – paid the money down, he built a House, 2 Story high. Cleared about 60 acres and fenced them, he carried on his Improvements to the last. – Values it at £500 York Currency. –

Says it has been sold by Pennsylvania Government. –

Left Furniture, utensils, 30 Hogs, 9 Sheep, 7 Caves one two year old. –

Left all these Things behind him from home. – Corn in the Ground. –

Produces Affidavit from Daniel Field Sworn before Major Matthews to Loyalty of Claimant and to his Losses as in Claimant’s Schedule set forth. –

Sarah Avery Sworn,

Knew Claimant, he was always very Loyal, left Home on that account. –

Remembers his farm, he bought it of George Field, he gave £150 for it, it was a year or more before the War. –

He improved it greatly after he purchased Cleared 40 or 50 Acres and 6 Acres meadow. –

Has heard it was sold. – They used to value unimproved Lands at 20/ p acre, Clear Lands went for different Prices. –

He had a fine Stock, brought some with him. – Left a good deal behind. – Gives the same account as Claimant. –

When they came away they were plundered so fast they could not carry all their Effects with them. –

Summary of Claim for Losses and Disbursement

(AO 12 Vol. 109 P. 132 Certificate No. 1070)

Name of claimant Dolson Isaac; Province Penns; Claim for Loss of Property £455.6; Sum Originally Allowed £119; Total Sum payable under Act of Parliament £119; Balance After Such Receipt £119; Final Balance £119

The Second Report of The Bureau of Archives for the Province of Ontario, 1904 transcribed from Library of Congress MSS 18,662 Vol. XX MSS. 55-58 in Second Report P. 989

Proceedings of Loyalist Commissioners

Montreal 1787

Before Commissioner Pemberton

Aug. 31.

Claim of Isaac Dolson, late of Pensiva.

Repeats the evidences in AO 12 with the following marginal notes:

“Seems a very fine man, seems to have been very active.”

“To be allowed.”

