Valentine's Bark

What you need:

    • 1 pkg. vanilla Candiquik
    • Red or pink food coloring
    • Valentine's Day M&Ms
    • Sprinkles


    1. Melt Candiquik according to package directions.
    2. Reserve 1/3 melted Candiquik in a small glass bowl and set aside.
    3. Spread the rest of the Candiquik onto a baking sheet and smooth out with a spatula.
    4. Add food coloring to reserved Candiquik and stir.
    5. Pour over the top of the white Candiquik and smooth gently. You can swirl with a knife if you so choose.
    6. Sprinkle with M&Ms and various sprinkles. Press M&Ms in slightly.
    7. Refrigerate for an hour.
    8. Break into pieces and enjoy!

Recipe adapted from Lil Luna

Posted on Knoxville Moms Blog by Fantastical Sharing of Recipes