Day 8 & 9


A clinometer is a tool used to measure the height of an object, its incline, or its decline.

We will be making our own clinometers and practice using them to measure trees and buildings around the school. Once we have practiced we will try to measure how high a rocket has launched.

On the last week of summer school when we launch our rockets we should be able to use our clinometers to measure how high our rockets traveled.

The way a clinometer works is by measuring a right triangle. Once we have our triangle measurements we can use the pythagorean theorem to obtain all the measurements including the height of the object we are looking at.

Here is a video to help with the Pythagorean Theorem

We will now go practice using our Clinometers to measure things around the campus.

-Take your partner and measure 3 things. For each of those 3 things you measure, you nee

-The angle, the distance to the thing, and your height.

-Once you have your 3 measurements come back to class where we will work out the geometry on graph paper and find the height of our 3 things.

Film canister Rockets!

We will now take film canisters and fill them half way with water. We will then quickly place half of an anti-acid tablet inside the canister placing the cap back on and flipping it over on the ground. A partner will be ready with their clinometer. The anti-acid tablet will release carbon dioxide inside the canister filling it with pressure. At one point the pressure will be too high and the canister will launch into the air. The partner with the clinometer will try and measure the highest point the film canister reaches. We will then practice measuring the hight of a rocket.