Day 55 DNA Project

Birmingham Multiple Intelligence Test (BMIT) Scientific Method Lab

Lab Purpose:

This Lab serves to help you gain a better understanding of yourself, as a learner. To do this you need to evaluate the way you learn or process information. By doing so, you will be able to develop strategies that will enhance your learning potential. After taking the BMIT online intelligence test, and gathering your own personal data for classroom data analysis, you will acquire knowledge as to which type of intelligence you most commonly use to learn. As a class you will work with other students and create a data chart on the multiple intelligence style of each member of the class, and decide what learning style is best suited for the class using the Scientific Method as a means of analysis.

Background on BMIT:

Conceived by Howard Gardner, multiple intelligences are eight different ways of demonstrating intellectual ability. Each individual can exhibit more than one intelligence. These include the following:

Bodily/Kinesthetic - Body Smart,

Verbal/Linguistic - Word Smart,

Logical/Mathematical - Number Smart,

Interpersonal - People Smart,

Intrapersonal - Myself Smart,

Musical/Rhythmic - Music Smart,

Visual/Spatial - Picture Smart,

Naturalistic - Nature Smart


At Home-

Computer and BMIT Website

In Class-

Printed Results of the BMIT Test


Class White Board


1. The night before the assignment is due make sure to take the BMIT test at home and print out your results (if need be you may write them down, but take a picture of them too to validate the results). (5 points)

2. Bring the results to class. Get into your assigned lab group. 2

3. Within your groups, follow the “Lab Grading Guidelines” discussed in class and answer the questions on the Lab Instructional Sheet provided.

i. Problem (1 point)

ii. Materials (1 point)

iii. Procedure (1 point)

iv. Hypothesis (1 point)

v. What is your dependent variable? (1 point)

vi. What is your independent variable? (1 point)

vii. Results (Data Chart, Data Graph) (10 points)

viii. Discussion/Analysis (10 point)

ix. Conclusion. (4 points)

x. Reflection (5 points)

4. Send your Reporter to the front of the classroom to add your group’s results for each individual to the Raw Data Chart on the Board or Computer. Then, as an entire class we will graph the class’ Overall BMIT Scores. (5 points Total)

TOTAL = 45 points