

Scientists all over the world have all agreed to use the same units of measurement in order to avoid accidents like the one with the mars climate satellite.

The universal measurement system is known as the SI Units. SI stands for international system (the S and I are backwards because the french came up with it and they say Le Système international)

Here are the SI Units

SI Units

Here is a good SI conversion chart to help you with your conversions

The SI system is very similar to the metric system and uses all of the same prefixes for its measurements.

Here is a chart of metric prefixes

Metric Prefix

Using the metric system to measure the world around you.

-How tall are you?

-What is the temperature of the classroom?

-How big is your foot?

-How big is your wingspan? How close is it to your height?

-How fast can you run?

-In Kilometers per hour?

-In Kilometers per second?

-In miles per hour?

-In feet per second?

-How fast does your favorite animal move?

-How long does it take you to run a kilometer?

-How many kilometers are there in a mile?

-What is the average speed limit on the city streets?

-What is the average speed limit on the freeway?

pH Scale

pH Scale

-An Acid is something that releases H+ ions when it is added to water

-A Base is something that releases OH- ions when added to water

-A buffer is something that releases the opposite ion causing the base or acid to become neutralized.

-Hydrophobic-is something that does not mix with water (Afraid of water)

-Usually because the molecule has no charge

-Hydrophilic- is something that mixes with water (Attracted to water)

-Usually because the molecule is polar