Day 36 Anatomy Recap

An Interesting Story About Us

How We Are Designed to Be!

The Evolutionary History of Animals (and Humans)

Genetically Yours

•Genes tell the whole story of planned growth and development

Certain Genes Control Where and When Other Genes are Expressed

In the 1980s, researchers discovered a series of genes called Hox genes that set the identity of segments of insect bodies from head to tail. Hoxgenes are examples of these "general purpose" control genes and are important elements in building complicated organisms like flies

Fruit Fly and Human Development

The Master Regulatory Homeotic Genes Segmentation

Conservation of Developmental Genes


“I don't think you need to watch nature shows to be bowled over by the diversity of life on Earth. You can simply take a walk at home. You see birds, squirrels, dogs. You come home and hug your child. These are things you take for granted. But if you take a step back and look at just how amazing the bird is in flight, the squirrel so perfectly adapted running up and down the tree, and so on, it is just such an amazing world. And what's incredible about this time in history from a scientific perspective is we're going to be able to understand that diversity, and that just adds to the excitement. It doesn't demystify it. It makes it all the more magical.” - Cliff Tabin is a developmental and evolutionary biologist at Harvard Medical School.


In the Beginning