Day 37 Squid Dissections

Today we are dissecting Squid

-You have to have a complete page drawing of your squid before it is dissected with all of its exterior parts labeled

-You have to have a complete page drawing of your squid dissected with all the interior parts labeled

-You have to have a separate page where you draw the individual parts that you remove

-Then at the end sign the drawing with the "pen" of the squid

-You then need to write a one to two page paper on the comparative anatomy of a squid to a human. Be as scientific as possible. I am going to grade it like an AP free response where I look for as many key words and concepts as possible. In any biology essay always remember to tie in evolution and adaptations.

-Dont forget that cleaning up is part of your lab grade. If your table, tools, and tray are not clean then you lose 5 points off your lab