Day 24 Photosythesis Test

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Photosynthesis Test!

Cell Cycle

All Cells Come From Preexisting Cells!

When cells reproduce it is generally called Cell Division

-A parent cell splits into two daughter cells

(Everything in life is female. There is only one time you need a male!)

-Both daughter cells are genetically identical to each other

-Each cell receives at least one of all the organelles and half of the cytoplasm

The Hereditary information in every cell is DNA

-Deoxyribonucleic Acid contains all genetic instructions

Nucleotide-Codon-Gene-DNA Strand-Chromosome

-The DNA of a cell is contained in one or more chromosomes

-A Gene is a segment of DNA that codes for something

-A gene can be a few hundred nucleotides long or it can be thousands

-Different versions of the same gene are called alleles

A cell needs to have a complete copy of DNA to function

-So before a cell can divide into two cells it needs to make two copies of its DNA

-One set for each daughter cell

In Eukaryotic cells, when a cell divides into two daughter cells it is called Mitotic Cell Division

-Mitotic cell division happens through the process of Mitosis

Once a cell divides the new daughter cells differentiate

-When a cell divides the new cells need to become a "type" of cell for example skin cell or liver cell

-When a cell becomes a certain type of cell it is stuck as that type of cell. This is called differentiating

-A normal cell grows, divides, and then differentiates. This process is called the Cell Cycle

There are three category of cells:

-Stem cells

-Stem cells can divide and differentiate into any type of cell

-They are great for repair and renewal

-Other cells capable of dividing

-Some cells can divide but can only differentiate into one or two types of cells

-For example liver cells can only make liver cells

-Permanently differentiated cells

-Some cells cannot divide

-They differentiate and never divide again

-For example the human brain and heart cells

Asexual and Sexual Reproduction

Asexual Reproduction

-Asexual reproduction is reproduction with DNA from only one parent

-Asexual reproduction produces genetically identical offspring to the parent


-Asexual reproduction happens through mitotic cell division

-A Prokaryote asexually reproduces through a process called Binary Fission

Sexual Reproduction

-Sexual reproduction is the fusion of Gametes

-Gametes are sex cells

-Usually a sperm and egg

-Gametes are made through Meiotic Cell division

-Meiotic cell division is different than mitotic cell division because the cells in meiosis only receive half the DNA

-It is important that gametes only have half of the DNA because two gametes are going to fuse together. If they had the full amount when they join there would be double the DNA

For your quiz you will have to be able to label cells in the different stages of Mitosis and give a one sentence description about what is taking place during that stage

Fertilization Terminology

Zygote Differentiating

Phases of Mitosis

Phases of Meiosis

Embryonic stem Cells


The Cell Cycle

Cell Cycle


Mitosis Part 1
Mitosis Part 2


Meiosis I
Meiosis II

Summing up Chapter 9

New Words

-Cohesins- The two chromatids, each containing an identical DNA molecule, are initially attached all along their lengths by protein complexes called cohesins.

-Polymerize-Microtubules elongate through a process called polymerization

-Depolymerize-Microtubules shrink due to depolymerization...losing subunits of tubulin