Day 5 & 6 Organelles


Cell Theory

-Every living organism is made up of one or more cells

-The smallest living organisms are single cells, and cells are the functional units of multicellular organisms

-All cells arise from preexisting cells

How big is life?

Interactive Cell Size

Scale of the Universe

What is the difference between a Prokaryote and a Eukaryote?

-Pro means before

-Eu means true

-Karyote means egg (in this case nucleus)

-A Prokaryote has no nucleus

-A Eukaryote has a nucleus

-Besides having no nucleus, Prokaryotic cells also do not have any double membrane bound organelles like the Eukaryotes do.

-There are two domains of Prokaryotes



-If a cell is not a Bacteria or an Archaea then it is a Eukaryote

Here is a fully labeled animal cell

Animal Cell

The Organelles and their functions

The Cytoskeleton

Here is a fully labeled Plant cell

Plant Cell

Tying in evolution!

The endosymbiosis hypothesis

-A predatory Prokaryote ate another prokaryote

-The prokaryote then began to live inside the other prokaryote making it the first Eukaryote

The Endosymbiosis Theory

What are some pieces of evidence that supports the Endosymbiosis Hypothesis?

-You do not have the DNA to make mitochondria

-Mitochondria contain their own DNA

-Mitochondria copy themselves

-Because you do not gain mitochondria during the fusion of both gametes you have to receive your mitochondria DNA from your mother

-We can track our mitochondrial DNA back through all of our mothers to find the regions that our ancestors came from

Cell City Assignment

Khan Academy video for parts of a cell

For your quiz you will be given a picture of an unlabeled cell and you will have to label all of its organelles. Under the organelle you will have to say its function in the cell.

AP Bio Organelle Free Response

-The AP Bio free responses are worth 10pts, 4pts, and 3pts, depending how long they are. Throughout this class we will be taking the past AP free responses. We will also grade them based on the AP grading rubric. The grading of these free responses will be rough. Whatever grade you earn will be multiplied by 4. For example on a 4pt free response, if you earn 4 points you will get 16pts in the grade book. If you lose a point and earn a 3 out of 4, that will translate as a 12 out of 16 in the grade book which is a 75%. Since every point is so valuable this will train you to respect every point.

By the end of this course you will be an AP free response master. The free response section of the AP exam is worth 50%. You need to get as many points as you can from the free response section.