
Why should I study Biology? And what should I do with my new found knowledge?


The video you are about to watch is extremely graphic. If you do not want to watch it you do not have to. It has images of animals being slaughtered and abused.

The video is made by PETA (A company that I do not support)

The message of the video is to become a vegetarian

It is true that becoming a vegetarian will solve these problems but that is not the message I want to share

I want to see laws passed for the humane treatment of live stock

Just because we eat the animals does not mean that we need to treat them cruelly and abuse them

After the video please share your thoughts

I think we will all agree that this has to change...but how?

What are we going to do about it?


Meet Your Meat


Now I want you to pick a "cause" in California. It could be this one, the fair treatment of live stock in California. It has to have something to do with biology. It could be about animals, pollution, the environment, healthcare, something bio related. You are going to read about it from multiple sources to get the complete picture, then convince the class on Friday that your cause is worth supporting. Be prepared to argue for your cause because no matter what your cause is I am going to argue against it.

You do not need to turn anything in. Just take notes that you will use during Friday's class.

The next step on Friday will be to write a politician about your cause trying to convince them to help.

Some examples:

-Offshore drilling in California spills tons of oil into the ocean

-Water usage

-Subsidized corn farms

-Traffic/ lack of public transportation