Day 3 Carbon

Filling in bubble test --- Image by © Royalty-Free/Corbis

Student Assessment:

Chapter 1 & 2 Test

Class Discussion:

Mystery Jell-o

At the front of the class I have two jars. In both jars is Jell-o and pineapple.

Write down your observations.

-What is different about the two jars

-You can pass them around the class. Get a good look.

Write down the questions you have.

-As a group you can ask one question

-I will go around the room and let each group ask a question

Now form a hypothesis that explains why the jars are different

-There is no need for experimenting if your hypothesis is correct I will let you know

-I am looking for a hypothesis that includes the scientific reason as to why the jars are different

Class Discussion:

What happens when we are given a word on the AP exam that we do not know???


If we memorize a word then we only know one word but if we learn how to deconstruct words then we will know thousands of words.

One Look

Why do we use Latin and Ancient Greek for science?


Carbon is unparalleled in its ability to form large, complex, and diverse molecules

A compound containing carbon is said to be an organic compound




Nucleic acids

The first three of these can form huge molecules called macromolecules

Carbon has 4 valence electrons!

-This is what makes carbon so special

Lets try the power points

Make flash cards of functional groups