Day 1 Introductions and the Scientific Method



How AP Bio is going to look

Student Practice:

A lot of our work is going to be on Mastering Biology

-From this website you will have access to the eBook

-You will have access to your homework

-And many resources

Since your summer homework consisted of reading and completing the first 6 chapters of the book we will begin with completing the Mastering Biology homework for the first 6 chapters.

-Log into Mastering Biology and explore.

-Look at your new assignments

-Pay attention to deadlines

Get started!

Group Activity:

-Introductions and getting to know each other

-Written Check exercise. Get into groups. You will be given a check. Look at the check...what is the date, who is it to, how much, and who signed it? every 3 minutes you will be given a new check. With your checks you have to use them to create a story. Each time you are given a new check you have to update your story. Pay attention to dates. As you tell your story one group member should be writing it down. Another group member should be drawing the story in comic or story board form.

Teacher Demo:

Get into groups and watch the teacher demonstration. Use the scientific method to generate a hypothesis as to what is happening with the teacher's demonstration.

-The Scientific Method





-Experiment or observation


Experiments need



Experimental group

-What is the difference between a Hypothesis and a Theory?

Get in groups of 4 and create a definition for each. Create an explanation that expresses their differences.

-What is science?

-What makes something science?

–Natural causality is the principle that all events can be traced to natural causes

–Natural laws apply to every time and place

–Scientific inquiry is based on the assumption that people perceive natural events in similar ways

Inductive Reasoning vs Deductive Reasoning

-Which one do scientists use?

-Which one is better?

Quantitative vs Qualitative

-Which one do scientists use?

-Which one is better?

Homework Assignment:

Scientific Method Assignment