AP Bio Summer Work

Welcome to AP Biology

The textbook that we will be using is The Campbell "Biology in Focus" AP edition.

You will need to get the book as soon as possible, or check with me for the online textbook access code, since there will be assigned reading over the summer.

Assigned summer reading:

Over the summer you will be responsible for reading chapters 1-6 completely

-Ch. 1 Introduction

-Ch. 2 The chemical context of life

-Ch. 3 Carbon and the molecular diversity of life

-Ch. 4 A tour of the cell

-Ch. 5 Membrane transport and cell signaling

-Ch. 6 An introduction to metabolism

You will be tested on Chapters 1-6 the first week of school, so come prepared!

Assigned summer videos:

Bozeman Science has a lot of helpful AP Biology videos that will help you through your year of AP Biology.

Over the summer please Familiarize yourself with Bozeman Science

Here is the link to the Bozeman Science AP Biology section


The Bozeman Science videos are not in order with your book, instead they are divided by concept. What I would like you to do over the summer is watch the videos that pertain to chapters 1-6 after you have read those chapters. By watching the videos it will help clear up or solidify any concepts that you have read.

There is also a section on the Bozeman AP Biology section labeled "AP Biology Practices" You need to watch all of these videos. It will help catch you up on the tools used in AP Biology.

Towards the end of the 2nd semester you will be given a 4 week video schedule that will recap all of AP Bio. If you want you can do this in the summer as well and it will give you an amazing foundation. If you want to give it a try here is the schedule for Bio in 4 weeks

Bozeman Science Videos 4 Week Schedule

First day of School

These summer assignments are not suggestions, they are requirements. The breadth of material covered in an AP Biology class is too much to cover in two semesters therefore you are expected to come to school an expert on chapters 1-6.

The first day of school you will begin testing on chapters 1-6. It is important to come to school prepared since these tests will start your AP Biology grade.

Materials needed for the class

-Biology in Focus Textbook/ or access to digital textbook


-Pens (Black and some of different colors used for grading)

-A notebook

-Most importantly a desire to learn biology

Extra Help

If you find you are having trouble remembering the basics of biology the Khan Academy Biology Videos can be a big help. These are not in place of the summer work but to help refresh the foundations of biology.


All of this information can be found on the Providence High Portal under summer work

It can also be found at davidbirdscience.com under AP Biology