Level 2 Module Information 2024-25

How module choice works in the Department of History

We will ask you to provide a list of preferences, via the online module preference form, which opens to students at 9am on Wednesday 20th March, and closes at 5pm on Friday 5th April

We will then allocate students to modules according to preference, banding and availabilityPlaces on document options and Level 2 options are limited, so please consider your preferences carefully, and make sure you would be happy studying any combination of the modules you have selected. 

Degree structures 2024-25:

Please check that your module choices fit in with the requirements of your degree programme.

Module Choice - key dates and deadlines

Monday 11th March- Module titles & degree structure information available

Tuesday 19th March, 4-5pm- Level 2 Module Talk (Alfred Denny Building LT01)

If you missed the talk, you can watch a recording here

Wednesday 20th March, 9am- History module preference form opens

Thursday 21st March, 10-12- Module choice drop in at the History Reception (first floor, Jessop West).

Friday 5th April, 5pm- Deadline to submit module choices to form

Week 9 (date TBC)- module allocations confirmed and released

Tuesday 7th May, 9am- University Online Module Choice (OMC) opens and you will enter your allocated modules, ready for registration in September

Module preference forms: to be completed by 5pm on Friday 5th April

Types of modules on offer, and our banding system

There are several types of modules to choose from at Level 2: core (compulsory) modules, document modules, and option modules. Click the 'degree structures' links above to see how your programme is structured, and then read the descriptions below to find out more.

Our modules are 'banded' according to the period of history they cover: Band A (pre-1500), Band B (1500-1800) and Band C (post-1800). Single honours students are required to take at least one module from each band, one of which must be a document option. Dual students can take any modules, regardless of banding, but must take one core module. 

Document options have a narrower focus than our standard option modules and usually cover a specific event, movement or a moment in time. They help you develop your skills in the use and analysis of primary sources which will be invaluable as you progress through your degree.

All level 2 History modules are 20 credits

Level 2 core modules: single honours students must take both; dual honours students must choose one

Guided modules

All single and dual students may take up to 20 credits of guided, or unrestricted, modules. If you are interested in taking any of these, you will be able to add them during the University's Online Module Selection process.

You may also take any 20-credit combination of Languages for All modules.

If you have any questions, please email history.ugenquiries@sheffield.ac.uk