
Paths from Antiquity to Modernity

Paths Video

HST112: Paths from Antiquity to Modernity (core for all single honours History students)

20 credits (semester 1)

Module Leader: Dr David Vessey (2023-24)

Module Summary

Taking you from the height of the Roman Empire to the Fall of the Berlin Wall, this module is an introduction to the dominant narrative of History, from a European perspective (though the module ventures widely beyond Europe when appropriate). Each lecture looks at a particular historical ‘turning point’, while the weekly seminar takes a more thematic approach, tackling historical notions such as revolutions, progress, globalisation and renaissance. By the end of the module, you’ll have a sense of the broad sweep of History, fascinating in itself but particularly useful for single and dual honours students as preparation for more detailed study at Levels II and III. You will also have an appreciation of the importance of periodisation (how historians divide up time), and the problematic concept of modernity. This module is explicitly intended to aid with the transition to the study of History at University.

Teaching and Assessment

For more information about assessment, please see the Module Handbook, which will be made available to you at the start of the semester, and this document.

Selected Reading

This module does not have a course textbook: no book currently in print provides quite the same overview as that of this course. However, here are some recommendations for books that you might find stimulating, and which bear some relation to the course’s major themes:

You may find a historical atlas useful, too. Further recommendations for reading will be made available in the course booklet.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Students completing this module will have developed: