Creative Tasks Marking Criteria

Creative Tasks Marking Criteria

First Class (70+)

Perceptive and independently-minded submission that demonstrates high levels of creativity and imagination. Choice of medium or format highly appropriate to the task and representative of careful and thoughtful critical analysis and a deep awareness of the context, both historical and, where relevant, historiographical. The audience of the piece is well-considered. The submission engages with key issues and, where relevant, displays evidence of critical thinking and an ability to situate itself innovatively within the context of other sources, both written and visual. Excellent command of language where appropriate, with a sense of style and fluency that aids communication. 



Independent, original and insightful contribution, that leads the audience to major revisions to their understanding of its historical or, where relevant, historiographical context. Demonstrates a command of language and material that expands the boundaries of existing work.



Shows all the qualities of a 70+ creative task, but with exceptional insight, weight, and sophistication. Demonstrates accuracy, imagination and exceptional levels of creativity, including thoroughly original approaches and leads the audience toward a new perspective.



High level of creativity and innovation. Driven by independent lines of enquiry to create a submission with a clear and carefully chosen audience, and situated within its historical framework. Evidence of care and thought in the choice of medium for the task, and a capacity to pursue independent lines of enquiry to result in an imaginative submission.



Articulate, perceptive and imaginative submission, based on wide reading where appropriate. Demonstrates a clear awareness of salient points, which are drawn out and expanded where necessary. Evidence of critical thought and the careful selection of the medium and tone to suit the audience, but not sustained across the entire range. Although generally fluent and coherent, work in this category may contain occasional stylistic or technical errors.


Upper second (60-69)

Tasks that show creativity and originality, and that engage with key concepts imaginatively. Choice of medium or format appropriate to the task, demonstrative of critical analysis and an accurate grasp of the historical or, where relevant, historiographical context, but there may be a gap between the level of ambition and the final product. Intended audience considered, and medium and tone selected appropriately, but may be lacking the depth and nuance of first class work. The materials are well designed and presented, and the historical evidence and analysis on which they are based are mostly secure, showing breadth of knowledge and some independent thought. Materials will be designed and presented to a good standard, with only a few stylistic or technical errors.



A creative submission that shows some critical appreciation of the broader implications of the issues at stake, and interacts with them with originality and imagination. Suggests some thoughtfulness, good content, creativity and/or nuance in conception and/or execution.



A competent submission, showing proficiency, imagination, and some creativity, but which may lack complexity or fluency in conception or execution. A mark in this range will demonstrate a good overall level of competence but will show some weakness in terms of clarity, presentation, understanding, appropriateness to audience, accuracy or style.


Lower second (50-59)

Relevant submission that demonstrates some effort toward creativity and imagination, but that reflects a basic but shallow understanding of key concepts, lacks focus, or is poorly structured. Choice of form or medium shows consideration for the appropriate audience and some engagement with historical or, where appropriate, historiographical context, but the submission may lack the depth of thought and analysis characteristic of answers in higher mark bands. Submissions at this level display some understanding of the relevant history, but may show signs of confusion and/or contain errors of fact or interpretation. Materials may be clumsy or poorly presented, with technical and stylistic errors.



Relevant submission that shows a reasonable degree of competence, but has weaknesses in some areas. Some understanding is shown of key concepts and knowledge, and form or medium is selected with some awareness of the audience, but one or more key points may be overlooked or misrepresented, and the underlying evidence or analysis insufficiently developed or communicated clumsily.



Demonstrates knowledge of some relevant issues but gaps in coverage suggest little analytical awareness. Some inaccuracies and little attempt to evaluate the status or significance of information. The understanding of what is appropriate for the intended audience(s) may be incorrect or misconceived.


Third Class (45-49)

A creative submission that demonstrates a poor understanding or misunderstanding of the task, and shows at best intermittent signs of creativity and imagination. The historical content will show limited understanding, and evidence may be misremembered or vague, or contain serious errors of fact or interpretation. Choice of form or medium demonstrates that the audience has not been considered with sufficient depth or subtlety, and there is limited engagement with historical or, where appropriate, historiographical context. Evidence may be misremembered or vague, or contain serious errors of fact or interpretation. Materials may be muddled, lacking structure or poorly presented, with technical and stylistic errors.


Pass without honours (40-44)

A submission which makes some attempt at a creative submission, but at an elementary level. Demonstrative of at best intermittent signs of creativity and imagination; no sense of creative coherence and consideration of audience barely influences form or medium. Very little sense of relevant historical or, where relevant, historiographical context. For the most part confused and poorly expressed, with materials rudimentary, poorly presented and lacking structure. Contains significant technical and stylistic errors.


Fail (0-39)

Submission that displays little or no understanding of the assignment, or fails to carry it out. Any submission relies on a very limited amount of material, shows very limited creativity and imagination, and demonstrates no awareness of historical or, where appropriate, historiographical context. Audience considered inadequately or not at all.



Bare response that shows some knowledge of relevant material, but displays little or no real understanding of the issues, context, or audience and is erroneous in matters of fact or interpretation. Includes failure to communicate in a way appropriate to the audience. 



Some effort to undertake the required task. Ideas incoherent or misconceived, and has a weak structure or organisation. Contains no relevant information. Some attempt at creativity, but misconceived and/or incoherent.



No serious attempt to carry out the task assigned. No attempt at creativity, no structure at all, and no understanding or knowledge of the historical or, where relevant, historiographical context. Only partial submission.



Indicates work either not submitted or unworthy of marking.