Annotated Bibliography Marking Criteria

‘Annotated Bibliography’ 

Marking schemes for individual modules may offer a more detailed rubric, e.g. specifying the the percent of the final mark awarded for technical accuracy.  

First Class (70+)

A bibliography which identifies a wide range of highly relevant sources and offers concise and insightful assessment of them. The items are listed accurately, consistent with the department Style Guide. The bibliography demonstrates very good awareness of the literature for the chosen topic. Few major gaps or technical errors. If required, demonstrates an excellent repertoire of techniques for locating material.

Upper Second (60-69)

A bibliography which identifies a range of relevant sources and offers useful descriptions of them. The items are listed accurately, consistent with the department Style Guide, although there may be minor technical errors. The bibliography demonstrates a good awareness of the literature for the chosen topic, although some items may be less relevant or reliable. If required, demonstrates a good repertoire of appropriate techniques for locating material.

Lower Second (50-59)

Identifies some relevant sources and lists them with some accuracy. Some useful descriptions of the sources. There may be some inaccuracies or misunderstandings, and the referencing may fail to consistently follow established the department Style Guide. Several items may be irrelevant to the chosen topic or unreliable. Demonstrates, if required to do so, some knowledge of techniques for locating material, though the bibliography may rely heavily on a limited range of appropriate search methods. 

Third Class (45-49) & Pass (40-44)

A partial or limited response which demonstrates little awareness of the relevant sources. Major technical errors in the listing of items. Descriptions are superficial or inaccurate, and there is a failure to address key areas. Explanation of the methods to locate material, where required, may indicate a dependence on limited search techniques that do not help to identify useful entries for the bibliography. 

Failure (0-39)

No sustained attempt to complete the task. A mark in this range may reflect: failure to identify relevant sources; missing or inadequate descriptions; a failure to follow any recognisable style; limited understanding of the topic.