PGR supervision report forms

From September 2022, we are moving to the use of the Personal and Academic Tutoring System (PATS) for submission of supervision report forms.

Record a meeting instructions for students:

  1. Log into MUSE and access PATS in the 'all services' list.

  2. On the home screen, click on 'Add a new meeting record'.

The meeting record page will show a list of all staff attached to your record at the top of the screen. This list will also include generic history email addresses.

  1. Enter the date and time of the meeting you're recording.

  2. Select your primary supervisor from the drop down list (or secondary supervisor if the meeting was only with them).

  3. Under meeting type select 'Research Supervision' then select 'Record of Supervision' as the meeting sub-type.

  4. If you would like to add any attachments you can do this under the notes box.

  5. Scroll down to the record of supervision section and enter notes in the progress, report and objectives boxes as appropriate.

  6. Optional: tick to indicate if your second or third supervision was present when completing the form. You can also note the date of your next meeting.

  7. If your meeting was with more than one person, or you have agreed with your second supervisor that they'll receive a copy of all forms for information, you can tick additional members of staff from the list.

Review and sign off: A record of the meeting will be sent to the member of staff you had the meeting with as well as any additional staff ticked. They will be asked to review and sign-off your form.

Sending a copy to the PGR team: If you would like to flag up any information in the supervision report form to the PGR student team, please also tick the PGR student enquiries email account.

External supervisors: We won't be adding external supervisors to the system, as they they can't be attached to individual students. If you normally have a copy of your form sent to an external second supervisor, please forward a copy to them manually.

Accessing a record of previous meetings:

When you log into PATS, the home screen will also show you a list of your most recent report and annual review forms.

If your supervisor submitted the report, you can also add your own notes from this screen.