PG community

Our postgraduate students are active in helping to create a departmental research community of both MA and research students, and staff.

Postgraduate students have their own forum and organise a variety of research and social events throughout the year.

The forum is run by our current postgraduate students and forms the basis of the postgraduate community within the department.

Taking part in the forum’s activities is a great way to meet other postgraduate students, have your views heard and get involved in the department’s research events. And, if you become part of the Forum Committee, it can also be excellent way of demonstrating transferable skills when you start looking for employment.

The open forum

Open Forum is the postgraduate students’ monthly event, where members of the postgraduate community meet to discuss and organise research activities and social events and also to raise any matters for discussion at the History Department Postgraduate Committee.

Postgraduate research groups

The forum includes a wide variety of postgraduate research groups where postgraduate students at all levels have the opportunity to work with other students and members of staff to create their own programme of speakers and research events. These events are often speaker-based with research students and staff from Sheffield and elsewhere coming along to discuss their research or can take the form of a less formal round table discussion on a particular topic.

Find out more about events happening this year

Postgraduate research colloquium

The Colloquium is the research students’ annual conference, where students are invited to present papers and share the latest insights into their research. Papers are welcome on any topic area so the Colloquium always promises to be an interesting and intellectually engaging event.

It provides an excellent opportunity for research students to gain some initial or further experience of giving papers to an academic audience and answering questions on your research.

It is also a great chance for MA students to experience an academic conference and pick up tips ahead of the MA Presentation Day that forms part of the Research Presentation module assessment.