HST6076 International Order in the Twentieth Century

15 credits, Semester one
Module leader 2023-24: Simon Stevens 

Listed on MA Modern History, MA American History, MA Global History, MA Historical Research 

Module summary

How should international relations be organised? This was a central question in the international history of the twentieth century. This module explores the ideas of international organisation that emerged, and how they were realised in practice in bodies like the League of Nations and the United Nations, as well as subaltern internationalist projects like the Afro-Asian and Non-Aligned movements. Why did governments and non-governmental actors create and participate in international organisations? What was the significance and impact of those organisations? And why should historians study these past internationalist projects today? Much of the most exciting recent work by international and global historians has grappled with these questions. 

Learning outcomes

By the end of the module, you will be able to:

Assessment methods

Assessment type - % of final mark

You will complete a 3000 word essay on a topic related to one of the module's key themes. You will define your own essay topic in discussion with your tutor.

Additional learning and teaching information

Teaching and indicative seminar plan:

The module will be taught in five, two-hour classes. You will also have individual tutorial contact with the module tutor in order to discuss your assessment for this module. 

Selected reading: