MA departmental aims

General aims

Degree programmes offered by the Department of History have the following general aims:

  • To provide high quality teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate levels that is informed and invigorated by research and scholarship and alert to the benefits of student-centred learning.

  • To sustain a culture of research and learning that promotes the free pursuit of knowledge, impartial analysis and the acquisition of informed attitudes to the study of the past.

  • To maintain broad access to its programmes of study for students from a wide range of educational and social backgrounds to the extent permitted by intellectual aptitudes which the programme demands.

  • To respond to the diversity of student interests by offering an appropriate level of choice within the degree programme, enabling students to pursue chronologically, geographically and methodologically diverse fields of study.

  • To equip students with the skills that will prepare them for employment or for further study.

Course-specific aims

The MA Programme is designed to meet the following course-specific aims:

  • To help students to recognise their personal ability, motivation and interest in pursuing further study and to equip them with the skills needed for independent research at MPhil/PhD level.

  • To offer students a programme that is qualitatively different from BA-level study by maximising opportunities for independent study and reflexive practice.

  • To focus on transferable research, learning and presentational skills that are applicable both within the academic discipline of History and in other professional settings.

  • To improve students' chance of developing a coherent and rigorous PhD proposal and obtain funding for further study