MA marking criteria

MA marking criteria for Presenting the Past group work

These criteria apply to the Presenting the Past group work only. For the Presenting the Past: Making History Public individual essay, please see the reflective essay criteria.

These marking criteria are to be read in conjunction with the advice given to students about the nature and purpose of the prescribed tasks in the module descriptions.



Groups will demonstrate all the qualities required of a distinction in the 80-89 range. Work in this range will be of clear professional quality, demonstrate an exceptionally high level of originality, an innovative response to the exercise, and excellence in all aspects of the submission.


Groups will demonstrate all the qualities required of a distinction in the 70-79 range. Work in this range will demonstrate a high level of originality, imagination and creativity in its conception, and an exceptionally high standard of presentation.


Groups performing at this level will demonstrate excellence in presenting history to their chosen audience(s). Written, visual or oral work will be fluent, lucid and stylish. The tone and structure will be entirely appropriate to the audience as identified for the piece(s). The work will demonstrate a secure and confident grounding in historical understanding, and an ability to convey ideas creatively, clearly and effectively.



Groups performing at this level will demonstrate an ability to communicate appropriately to their chosen audience(s) and convey historical subject matter and ideas effectively and with some creativity. Written, visual or oral work should be clear and effective for the task as identified. Some developing sense of style and the emergence of an authorial voice are to be expected. Technical presentation should be mostly accurate.



Groups will demonstrate an ability to convey historical subject matter. The written, visual or oral presentation should be clear and effective, though it may lack fluency in places and may not be appropriate for the identified audience. There may be shortcomings in following the guidelines for the coursework submission and weaknesses in presentation and accuracy.



Groups will have failed to understand and fulfill the task as set. They will have proved themselves incapable of presenting historical information in a clear and accessible way.


No serious attempt to carry out the task assigned. Little demonstration of historical knowledge and understanding underpinning the work presented.


Indicates work either not submitted or unworthy of marking.