MA marking criteria

MA marking criteria for engagement and participation

Please note that these criteria apply to the engagement component of 30 credit core and option modules.

Your Engagement mark reflects your contribution to the success of seminars for your module over the course of the semester, and the way in which those contributions reflect on and respond to ongoing discussions. Contributions can include participation in shared resources, participation in discussion and activities in seminars whether in person or online, or engagement in specific tasks set by your module tutor. 

These marking criteria are to be read in conjunction with the advice given to students about the nature and purpose of the prescribed tasks in the module descriptions.



In addition to all the criteria required for a distinction in the 80-89 range, engagement at this level will show intellectual independence, originality and insight that suggests major revisions to our understanding. Demonstrates a command of material that expands the boundaries of existing historiography.


Engagement and participation task(s) marked in this range will demonstrate all the qualities required for a distinction in the 70-79 range, but will show a high level of independence, exceptional insight, weight, and sophistication, including original comments, analysis, or reflections.


Engagement and participation marked at 70 or above should be perceptive, demonstrating accuracy, insight and analytical rigour in comments or reflections. The completed task(s) should show the capacity for independent thought and, where relevant, a nuanced command of historiographical issues and the ability to handle historical concepts and methods with confidence. Contributions to general debate should be articulate and sophisticated, demonstrating a precise command of language or prose, respectful of others and responsive to their contributions. Any group work should be carried out with a high degree of skill and mutual collaboration.



Engagement marked in this range should show clear critical skill and some independence, thoughtfulness and an awareness of nuance and complexity in comments or reflections. It should identify key issues and, where appropriate, demonstrate the ability to handle conflicting opinions and frame cogent arguments. Participation in general debate should be active, and conducted with respect for others' contributions, making use of clear and articulate language or prose. Any group work should be carried out effectively and constructively.



Engagement marked in this range should demonstrate some understanding of key issues, historical concepts and knowledge in comments or reflections. The work should show the ability to engage with existing scholarly work, although these qualities may not be maintained consistently. Participation in general debate should be willing and respectful to others’ contributions. The use of language or prose should be effective for the task(s) set, although in places there may be imprecision, inaccuracy, or lack of clarity. Any group work should be carried out competently.



Engagement at this level shows some signs of understanding in comments or reflections, but at an elementary level, suggesting little or no analytical awareness and a minimal comprehension of the material. Participation in general discussion is episodic, and contributions may be confused or poorly expressed. Any group work lacks organisation and has little or no signs of collaboration.


Contains very little or no relevant information in comments or reflections, and no relevant analysis; is erroneous in matters of fact and interpretation. Scant, if any, contributions to general discussion. Any group work is disjointed and without collaboration.


No serious attempt to engage with the task(s) assigned. Little understanding or knowledge of the module in evidence.


Indicates no engagement, or at a level unworthy of marking.