MA marking criteria

MA marking criteria for the HST405 Dissertation (75 credits)

Please note that these criteria apply to the HST405 Dissertation (75 credits) only. If you are taking HST6560 Dissertation (60 credits) please see the HST6560 dissertation marking criteria

The dissertation is a piece of independent and advanced historical research. It will have an identifiable primary source base, engage with existing scholarship in advanced ways, and put forward an independent and nuanced argument that makes an original contribution to scholarship.

The dissertation will be assessed on four criteria:

Examiners will consider all of these areas when they mark the dissertation. These marking criteria are to be read in conjunction with the advice given to  students about the nature and purpose of the prescribed tasks in the module descriptions.



Work in this range will demonstrate all the qualities required for a distinction in the 70-79 range. A dissertation marked in this range will in addition be outstanding in all areas, innovatively push the boundaries of existing historiography and suggesting major revisions to our understanding of the topic studied. The dissertation is eminently publishable.


Work in this range will demonstrate all the qualities required for a distinction in the 70-79 range. A dissertation marked in this range will in addition be exceptional in all areas, demonstrating considerable intellectual originality and an imaginative approach, and include highly perceptive and original analysis of primary source material. Any argument that convinces the examiner to think differently about a subject should be marked above 80.


The dissertation demonstrates a high level of critical thought and insight. The research of should be derived from a well-defined and identifiable primary source base. This research will inform the argument at every stage, and the dissertation will display some sophistication in source criticism. The argument offered in the dissertation should be sustained and convincing, offer perceptive and independent insights, and demonstrate an ability to handle historical concepts and methods with a high degree of confidence. The topic is ably situated within the wider literature, showing an extensive breadth of knowledge, a critical awareness of current historiographical debates and an ability to offer well informed and constructive analysis of scholarly work. The dissertation  should be written in fluent, lucid and stylish English, engaging the reader's interest, and presented accurately in line with departmental style.



The dissertation demonstrates a degree of nuance and insight, but it may not be sustained throughout. It is well argued, has an identifiable and well-focused primary source base and makes effective use of this primary material in presenting the argument. This argument should be clear and cogent, making a plausible, if not necessarily a compelling, case. The contextualisation of the topic will demonstrate breadth of knowledge, an ability to evaluate historiographical debate and show some confidence in handling conflicting scholarly opinions. The dissertation is clearly and effectively written, and presented accurately in line with departmental style.



The dissertation demonstrates a competent grasp of a subject. It should advance a case, but any attempt at argument is insufficiently developed or supported, one-sided, or lacks coherence or clarity. Primary source material may be employed haphazardly, descriptively or serve simply as illustration for a pre-conceived argument. There should be some attempt to situate the dissertation within the historiography, but the understanding of different strands of scholarship is limited. The dissertation is limited in its breadth of knowledge, and is based on relatively narrow reading. The prose is generally clear, yet lacks fluency and may contain awkward or incoherent formulations. There may be inaccuracies in the organization and technical presentation of the dissertation.



The dissertation displays little or flawed understanding of the subject. It fails to engage with historical argument and offers little or no critical discussion of the significance of the readings and the primary source material. The dissertation contains a very small element of analysis and only some relevant information. There is some evidence of organization and structure, but the work is generally muddled or unclear. The dissertation is based on very limited or tangential reading, contains repeated grammatical and spelling errors, and suffers from weaknesses in presentation.


The dissertation contains very little or no relevant information, no relevant analysis, and shows no engagement with an identifiable body of primary sources. The dissertation is erroneous in matters of fact and interpretation; poorly written with numerous errors; very poorly organised.


No serious attempt to carry out the task assigned. No attempt at analysis. No understanding or knowledge of the topic at hand.


Indicates work either not submitted or unworthy of marking.