Hate crime

The University of Sheffield has a zero tolerance policy towards hate crime.

It is very important to us that each and every member of the University community feels safe when they are out and about on our campus, and we take any instances that threaten this extremely seriously.

A hate crime is any crime that is targeted at a person because of hostility or prejudice towards that person’s race or ethnicity, religion or belief, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability. Hate crime isn’t just physical abuse or violence, and an incident can have a lasting effect on a person. Abuse, name calling, assault, blackmail, harassment, intimidation, bullying or exploitation are all forms of hate crime and must be reported.

If you experience a hate crime, you do not have to tolerate it. If you have concerns, we would encourage you to come and talk to us.  

Information about support and how to report an incident are outlined here. You can also contact the Student Welfare and Wellbeing team (support@sheffield.ac.uk) for more information.

If you're in immediate danger or seriously injured on campus, call our Security Services on +44 114 222 4444. If you're off campus, dial 999.

Key contacts:


Postgraduate Masters

Postgraduate Research

You are also welcome to speak to any other member of staff if you would feel more comfortable.

Useful links: