Monochromatic Color

The subject of this image is a sauna in Mexico in the spa. In order to create this image, I just had to spot this sauna, stand out of the way of the light so my shadow wouldn't get in the way. I used line, color, and space to create this image. For example, the color is prominent because the heat lamp provided the red light, but then I edited it to make it even more focused on in the image. Principals used is contrast because I increased the contrast to make the red more intense.

I used the composition rules and techniques of informal balance and leading lines. The lines are seen in the benches and informal balance is there because the red color is coming from one side. I changed this image because at first, I was right in front of the sunlight coming in the window so my shadow was in the window. After I saw it, I decided i didn't want to be in the image, so I moved out of the ray of sunlight.

As I was standing waiting in line for the spa, I started talking to the old man in line behind me. He began talking about how his wife was forcing him to go to the spa, and how he doesn't like it because it reminds him of a torture chamber. I found this interesting, and it prompted me to photograph some of the elements. The sauna could represent a torture chamber because of the red glow. If this image could be stronger, I would edit it so that the image itself would be more red.