
Featured in this image, is a woman's feet. As she lays, draped over a bed wearing fish net leggings, I photograph her feet. In order to create this image, I asked her to put on these leggings and lay on the bed. In order to create this underlighting, I used an adjustable lamp. I chose to create this specific image because I believed that it would fit well into my concentration which is societal issues. The main element featured in this image is the lines on the leggings. I also used form, texture, space, and color. Some principals that are present are balance, contrast, emphasis, and pattern.

The composition rules and techniques that are showcased in this image include the following: informal balance, selective focus, sharp focus, leading lines, and low key lighting. I believe the most prominent to be the informal balance. This compositional technique is shown obviously in the placement of the feet in the image. Instead of in the middle and centered, they are off-centered, and to the left side of the image plane. In order to finally be happy with one of the pictures in this shoot, I had to do many things. First, I had my the woman running on the treadmill to show how overweightness is a problem in our society. However, none of those pictures turned out the way I wanted them, so I moved onto plan b, which was this. In order to create this specific lighting, I played and fiddled with the adjustable lamp, under it was shining on the underside of the feet, which created a sense of low key lighting that I thought was fitting.

This photo fits in with my theme of societal issues for a handful of reasons. First of all, when people see fish-net stockings, they usually associate them with sexual activity or something along those lines. In order to represent how prostitution is an issue in our world, I felt that the fish-net leggings would help me create an image of feet that fit in with my concentration. Although it may be hard to tell, but the woman in this image is draped over a bed to represent a drug overdose. In 2016, more than 63,600 people died of drug overdoses in America alone, up from more than 52,400 in 2015. The black and white creates a dark feeling, which adds a lot of emotion to the image. Although I do not know anyone personally that has been affected because of drugs or prostitution, this project relates to my life because I am aware of how many people it does affect. Just by walking a few blocks on the city street, you can easily tell how this is a growing problem in not only America, but the world as well. This is a topic that needs to be brought into attention. If I could do anything to make this image stronger, I would increase the contrast and saturation in the edited version to make the back round darker, which would in turn, create a stronger mood.