Abstract Shoe Drawing

For this assignment, we were instructed to take our final stage of the zoom and crop piece, and turn it into an abstract piece of art. We were allowed to create any type of pattern(s) that we desired. When creating this, I tried to incorporate as many elements of art as possible. Line, shape, color, value, form, texture and space. I tried to go for a modern art vibe. Leaving lots of white space open, thus creating the element of space. I also included lines, shape, and color to help my piece look better. The material I used included a thin black sharpie, colored pencils, and a ruler to keep my lines straight. I wanted to arrange this piece so that people would be left wondering if it would look better or worse with all of the boxes filled in. I wanted them to imagine it for themselves. For them to decide themselves, not for me to tell them what art should look like or not. In the beginning, the black line in the middle, used to only go halfway across the page. I decided that I wanted it to go all the way across. If I could revise this choice, I would choose to keep the sharp black line going halfway across because I think it looked much crisper and it pulled the piece together nicely. The meaning behind this artwork is that when I was trying to find a color scheme that would look nice in these frames, I came across some old paint pallets. After a few rounds of trial and error with the pallets, I finally found this color scheme. I tied to find similar colored color pencils. In this piece, I am very proud of the color scheme that I decided upon, how crisp the straight lines are, and how the colored boxes are clustered, yet some are spread. During the creation of this, I struggled with making the lines on the large black line as crisp as the others. Obviously I couldn't use a straight edge, so I had to try my best to make it as clean as possible. I do believe that if these curved lines were neater, than it would make my artwork a lot stronger.