Cyanotype Landscape

This project was a bit different than the rest, in the sense that we exposed light onto a different type of paper using direct natural sunlight. In order to do this, I edited a landscape photo that I took, turned it greyscale and inverted it using photoshop. I then printed it out onto transparency paper. Placing the transparency paper over the cyanotype paper (which is blue) so the light would be correctly filtered, I exposed it under a sheet of glass to natural UV rays instead of using the darkroom. In order to develop it, I placed the cyanotype in a cold water bath for 5 minutes, after 12 minutes of sunlight exposure. Elements and principals used in this image include line, shape, color, value, texture, space, contrast. If I could do something to improve this photo in the future, I would ask for more instruction on the project to better comprehend the task at hand. I had a lot of trouble with this project, which explains why it came out so dark, (but overexposed is better than underexposed). In real life, it's much easier to see the actual photo. The scan made it seem much darker than it actually is. Next time, I would expose the cyanotype for a lesser amount of time so it wasn't so dark and hard to see. On my google site, I included the original photo so you can see what the photo is of. This project relates to my life because it was taken at my camp that I grew up at.