Focusing on Abstraction

This image features a series of lines on a computer screen. In order to create this image, I utilized the immense world of the internet to search an abstract image. Elements used in this photo include the following: line, shape, value, texture, and space. Principals used include balance, contrast, pattern, and rhythm.

Composition rules and techniques showcased in this image include silhouette lighting, leading lines, grouping, and low key lighting. After taking a series of other photos similar to this one, I finally aimed the camera so that it included the horizontal lines on the left side. I wanted to include these lines because of the feeling of depth they add to the photo.

With my concentration being societal issues, I found it appropriate to photograph a computer screen. This is because of the idea that technology controls our society, which I strongly believe that it does. By photographing the screen at such a close angle, my point is to have people look at the issue on a bigger scale. A scale of how the overuse and misuse of technology impacts our society and particularly our generation. This project relates to my life because I too, have been greatly impacted by technology. Being a part of this generation, I have grown up surrounded by technology. It's all I know. I want to shed a light on the world outside of your computer or phone screen. Because there's more to life than just a few pixels. If I could do something to make this photo stronger, I would try to make the horizontal lines on the left more prominent because I believe it would create a deeper sense of depth to the image.