How well (effectively) was the problem of the story resolved?


by: Elena Luong

In my opinion, I think the problem with the story was solved well, but it could have been better. It wasn't very effective. It was left on a cliffhanger. Michael couldn't even tell anybody about his adventure. Fritz was part of the problem, and died in an avalanche. I thought they dealt with him well. The problem was he had to get onto the science team. In order to be placed on the science team, he must turn in Simon, a British pilot his family is hiding, endangering both the British pilot's and his parents' lives. He ended up telling Fritz. Also Simon dies, and Micheal gets reunited with his parents, so it all ends up being okay. My fist piece of evidence is on page 294," I had hung on, but Fritz hadn't. I was alone on the roof of the cable car. When you fell down, it was over." My second piece of evidence is what it says on page 298, "I heard a familiar voice give a happy cry somewhere down the hall. And then my mother and father and I were running to meet each other, wrapping one another in one big Irish hug." My last piece of evidence is on page 301-302, " That's not safe for me to say. But Michael, you do understand that you can't say a word about any of this. Ever. To anyone." All of my evidence proves my claim because the first piece of evidence proves how they dealt with Fritz. The second, when Michael gets reunited with his parents, and the last one, he couldn't tell anyone about his adventure.