Difficult Choice

Describe a difficult choice the character had to make.

Use evidence (direct quotes) from the text to support your answer.   What made them make the choice they did?  What motivates them to react the why they did
Analyze what you think this character's choice says about them.

Emma Tolle


Simon's difficult choice is asking himself if he wants to sacrifice himself. Simon chose to do this for his country. I know this because on page 216 the text says " Simon tells me "Go- I will be fine. Do anything for the allies." that shows that  Simon is telling Michael that he will be killed for his country.  And on page 229 the text says ""You have to turn me in. " That shows that he knows what he has to do. I know that in his head he knew that he was going to die but he did not say it to Micheal because Micheal would not do it. I know that He did not say it because on page 231 the text says " We were talking about a real sacrifice here" That shows that Micheal was finding out but still Simon knows he has to sacrifice himself for the world.  All of this evidence shows that Simon's difficult choice is asking himself if he wants to sacrifice himself.