Being in the Character's Shoes

Imagine you were in the character's shoes in one of the situations of the book...

How would you handle this situation?

Include examples of the character's thoughts, feelings and actions during this portion of the book to support why you chose this reaction. 
Explain how this reaction will change the character or the story and why.


by: Elena Luong

The situation I picked in the book, Projekt 1065, is when Fritz has to burn the books. Fritz did not want to burn the books. He did actually like books, but in Hitler Youth they didn't, so they burned them. Fritz happens to have Michael on his side, so he burns the books. What I mean by that, is if Michael did not convince Fritz to burn the books, Fritz would be beaten, by the other Hitler Youth boys. Fritz is stunned when someone calls him out, and he reacted by not wanting to burn the books.  I know this because my evidence is on pages 37, "He's not burning books." It also says on 38, "Whats this?" Horst demanded. " You don't want to burn these books?" "I didn't- I just-" Fritz stammered. My last piece of evidence is also on page 38, it says, " No, I just- I'm sorry. I-"Fritz said. All three pieces of evidence prove my claim that someone calls Fritz out and he doesn't want to burn the books. If I were in this situation, I would just burn the books, even if I didn't want to. I would do thi because I could always get new ones, and I would get beaten if I did not burn them.