Horst Fortner

Vital Statistics

"Horst is a thick necked donkey faced idiot," So says Michael. Horst honestly could be a wayyyy different character if he were just more kind and helpful. He has not once been kind in his life, he even made Micheal fight Fritz so that they wouldn't get in his way being an SS officer. Horst has been mean in so many ways that I couldn't even name all of them, but I can name a few, like at the book burning, he fought Fritz because Fritz didn't throw the books in the fire fast enough. He also went to a bar only to fight the 'Edelweiss Pirates' with a broken chair leg! Horst is also a static and flat character because he is in the book but he has not expressed his feelings in the book except through his words. 

This is Horst grown up (aka Hitler)   ↙️            This is Horst smashing a Pirate except without a helmet ↙️