Fritz Brendler

Vital Statistics

Fritz Brendler is a 13-year-old boy in the Hitler Youth. He is known most for his shortness and his red hair. He used to get bullied all the time and was super timid. The reason I said he was kind was because he was. Then he wasn't. He joined the SRD. That was his goal. He changed. I think Fritz could have returned to the person he used to be. Don't give a very clear description of Fritz, but they do say he has red hair and is extremely short. They even call him "three cheeses tall". In the story, Fritz becomes friends with the main character, Michael, but Michael is a spy. Fritz doesn't find out till the end. Also, there were no pictures of Fritz so I had to make up what he looked like. I would say Fritz is two types of character. He is the antagonist because he is against the protagonist, Michael. He is also a dynamic character because he goes from a kind and timid soul to a horrible cold and mean human being. Yet sadly, he dies because of a bomb-triggered avalanche.