Ma & Da

Vital Statistics

Age: 36

Height: 5 ft 

Eye color: Brown

Weight: 100

Gender: Women 

Favorite food: French fries 

Personality: Brave, kind, caring, smart, and generous

Hobby: Being a spy

What kind of spy: Clever, sneaky, and getting out of trouble easily 

Abilities: Making plans to get Jew out of Berlin 

Enemies: All the Nazi's 

Mom rating: 10 out of 10

Good wife rating: 10 out of 10

Ma is a kind, smart, and sneaky spy and mom. Ma is a spy for the Allied Forces. She is clever because when Michael found Simon he was very hurt and he needed to get better before he went back to Britten. So Ma had to bandage him up and keep him in the secret closet in Da's office till he got better. Once Simon got better it was Ma's job to make a plan  to get Simon Britten. However, when they put the plan in action Michael had messed up and Simon had tried to make it to the ship himself. But after a few days Simon found Michael. Since the first plan did not work Ma came up with another plan to get Simon out of Berlin which Michael had to turn Simon in, and then his parents would get in trouble to since they were hiding him. Then Ma and Da would escape Berlin before the Gestapo got to the house, and rescue Simon from the concentration camp before they could hurt him. Michael eventually agreed to it and then met Ma and Da in Ireland. However, unfortunately when Simon told Michael about the plan Simon's plan was to run away and get shot instead of going to a Concentration camp and accidentally spilling a plan that the Allied Forces were going to do for the Nazi's. So technically it was a win loose.  At the end it all worked out for Ma, Da, and Michael because Ma's plan worked to get them all back to Ireland, and Michael made the blue prints again out of his memory of the old ones. If Ma did not come up with that genus plan to get everyone out of Berlin then they would all still be in Berlin suffering. It was teamwork. Their hope is to win the war and to help the Allied Forces do it.