Comparing Two Characters

Pick 2 characters:

Compare how they are similar and how they are different.

Include examples from the text to support your answer. 
Explain how these differences and similarities effect the characters relationships.

Horst and Fritz were both at the book burning, fighting. Horst felt very powerful during this fight. I know this because he felt like he could fight anyone and everyone without getting called out for it and getting in trouble. Horst also didn't believe that Fritz would make it very far in life. To them 'getting far' in life means getting into the SRD or working for Hitler in any way. Horst thought it was funny how Fritz couldn't get up or fight back. My evidence is that Horst was laughing very hard at Fritz. But, on the other side of the fight was Fritz. Fritz felt very sad and he hurt everywhere. I know this because he was getting punched and pushed around, who wouldn't? Plus, he also thought he would get hurt really badly because Horst was punching and pushing him around. Fritz reacted by being scared of Horst. He showed this by lying on the ground in a ball. Reagan B.