Characters Reactions to Obstacles

Many obstacles occur duing the story...

Describe how the character is currently reacting to this obstacle.

Describe their reaction with evidence from the book and explain why you think they reacted that way.


by Elena Luong

One obstacle Fritz has to face is getting into the SRD. He really wants to get into the SRD but he has to test his boxing test. He didn't know how to fight back. Fritz reacts to this obstacle by blocking learning to fight back for his boxing test. He does this by asking Micheal to teach him how to fight. Since Micheal is his friend he does teach him. When the test rolls around he gets Micheal, and they fight ruthlessly. That is how they get onto the SRD. I know this because it says, " We can't show weakness. You have to fight me for real." This proves my claim because they have to fight each other to get in the SRD.Â