Character's Goals & Motivation

What is the character's overall goal(s)?

What is ultimately motivating them?

Use evidence (direct quotes) from the text to support your answer.  
Analyze what you think this character's choice says about them.

Based on these observations, why do you think they wanted to achieve their goal?

Horst's overall goal is to turn into Hitler, aka the meanest, nastiest, and most cruel person in the world. The thing that is mostly motivating him is the propaganda that the Jewish are not good people so he wants to eliminate them. I know this because he is also very mean like Hitler so he practices and makes sure nobody gets in his way.  In the beginning of the book it talks about when Horst fought Fritz because he wasn't acting like someone in the SRD. My evidence is, "Horst slapped the other books out of Fritz's arms and kicked them away. Before Fritz could recover, Horst shoved him hard with both hands, sending him flying into the Hitler Youth boys behind him. They grabbed him and punched him, like hungry dogs pouncing on rotten meat." Pg. 38  This choice says that Horst is a believer, this means he will believe anything his king (aka Hitler) tells him. I think that Horst wants to become just like Hitler because he will do anything for him even sacrifice his life for him. Just like they say, " Die for Hitler!"  Reagan B.