How has the problem developed throughout the story

Emma Kuchta  2/12/24

The problem in Projekt 1065 is that Michael is trying to find the blueprints and write them down for Simon so he can take them back to Berlin. The problem has developed thought the story by first, Michael finds out that Fritz's dad has the blueprints to the Swallow. Then he keeps going over to Fritz's house to try to memorize a page of the blueprints, so then he can write them down for Simon. As the story goes on Fritz's starts to get very cruel and mean, so then every time Michael tries to go over to his house Fritz's he is gone doing a secret project. Then, he was so desperate to get the blueprints because Simon was leaving that night and he only needed one more page of the blueprints, so he went to Fritz's house and  Lina answered the door and Michael asked if he could wait for Fritz. Then for a moment Lina just stood there watching Michael, and then after a little bit she left, and he was able to get into Fritz's fathers study. Once he got in he quickly went to the wall were the blueprints usually were, but they were not there! Then, Michael was racing around the study trying to find them, but he could not find them any were. However, he told himself to calm down and look in the room for something that has changed. Then, he saw it, a folder tied up by a string and had an address to be mailed. He untied the string, and there were the blueprints, in the folder. He had found them just in time! After, he had memorized the last page he got the weird feeling someone was watching him, and so he looked up and there was Lina staring at him in the doorway. At first he thought he was busted then Lina said "You and I can get married." Michael was very confused, then he realized that is why she was always staring at him weirdly. He was feeling very awkward at the moment, but eventually he got out of the study with the memory of the last page of the blueprints. That was all on page 180 to 184. Later in the book Michael makes it on the Science team so he can save Goldsmit. Goldsmit is a very important person in the war because he was going to make an atomic bomb, witch would change the whole cores of the war. Michael needs to save Goldsmit because his friends were going to assassinate him.  Michael also had to take the blueprints with him because Simon died earlier  in the book, but he could not let the other boys see because they thought that he was going to help them with the assassination and if they found out that Michael had the blueprints then they would kill Michael and track down his family, and kill them to. The problem was that they had to go through security to get into the hotel. However, Michael was smart and hid the blueprints in a brick wall under a brick. Fritz soon caught on and found the blueprints under the brick, but he did not tell Michael. Instead he waited till Michael had Goldsmit in the cable car, but  before he got in the cable car Michael tried to find the blueprints but they were not there and he did not have enough time to look for them. So when he got into the cable car with Goldsmit Fritz quickly caught up to them and climbed onto the roof of the cable car. (With the bomb in the suitcase.) Fritz was planning to let the bomb explode and it would kill Michael, Goldsmit, and Fritz. Michael is very afraid of heights, however he needed to save Goldsmit and he climbed  to the top of the cable car and started to fight Fritz for the bomb. But then Fritz pulled out the blueprints and started to tease Michael because he was lying on the ground holding onto the pole, then  dropped them, and then they were gone. All his hard work and dedication was gone. The problem developed so much through the story. It was over a long period of time, but man it sure developed. My evidence supports my claim because it shows all of the events when the problem was brought up. Furthermore, the problem was very hard to achieve and in the end it did not work out very well.