Comparing Two Characters

Pick 2 characters:

Compare how they are similar and how they are different.

Include examples from the text to support your answer. 
Explain how these differences and similarities effect the characters relationships.

-Emma Tolle


I will be comparing how Simon and Micheal both react to the obstacle of turning Simon in to the Gestapo. Simon feels calm and collected. I know this because on on page 230 the text says " "I know he can do it." said Simon" that shows that Simon is calm and trusting. While Micheal is feeling very worried for Simon. I think that because the on page 231 the text says "My voice cracked" usually when your voice cracks  you are worried about something. Simon thought that Michel could help and be brave enough to help. I think this because the text says "He can do it." on page 130 while on the other hand Micheal does not believe in himself. The text says on page 233 "No, I cant." That shows Micheal does not believe in himself. Simon reacted trusting of Micheal while Micheal started to get mad.  On page 130 Simon says "One way or another I believe in you." That shows Simon is trusting him. On page 232 the text says " My hands balled into fists." showing that Micheal is mad. This is how  Simon and Micheal both react to the obstacle of turning Simon in.