Difficult Choice

Describe a difficult choice the character had to make.

Use evidence (direct quotes) from the text to support your answer.   What made them make the choice they did.  What motivates them to react the why they did.
Analyze what you think this character's choice says about them.

One of Ma and Da's difficult choices they had to decide if they should take Simon in or not. It was a difficult choice because as they were rescuing him they found out he was Jewish, and Jewish people were not allowed in Berlin. If you were found with one hidden in your house you would get killed. I know this because in the book it said "You're a Jew?" Da asked. "Afraid so," Simon said, flashing that apologetic smile again. Pg 68. A motive that helped them make that decision was that they went all that way to rescue Simon and if they would not rescue him he would die and what would they do? Just turn around and leave him there to die! They are very sweet, so they did not leave him. The evidence supports my claim because it gives you the moment when Ma and Da found out that Simon was Jew and that Da was pretty worried about that. It also explains that Ma and Da were hesitant to bring Simon in. 


February 20, 2024