Being in the Character's Shoes

Imagine you were in the character's shoes in one of the situations of the book...

How would you handle this situation?

Include examples of the character's thoughts, feelings and actions during this portion of the book to support why you chose this reaction. 
Explain how this reaction will change the character or the story and why.

If I were in Horst's shoes when he was fighting Fritz, then Fritz wouldn't be lying on the ground crying and hurting. In the story Horst fights Fritz because Fritz was not burning any books at the book burning. He felt like he needed to do this because he wanted to be like Hitler and be mean to anyone who doesn't want to be like him.  If I were Horst though then I would just tell Fritz to throw the books in and I would give him a good talk because he does not deserve to be fought and broken down. This would change the story because Fritz wouldn't be as scared of Horst as he is now and Horst would be more of a kind human being. Reagan B.