Characters Reactions to Obstacles

Many obstacles occur duing the story...

Describe how the character is currently reacting to this obstacle.

Describe their reaction with evidence from the book and explain why you think they reacted that way.

Ma & Da are currently reacting to the obstacle pretty well. I know this because when Ma set up the escape plan, Ma and Da trusted Michael to be in the plan, but Michael did not succeed. After Michael got to the spot he was supposed to meet Simon, he was gone, but during an air raid Michael found him. He had come back! I know this because on page 210 it says, "A dark figure lunged at me from the shadows in the alley behind the embassy. I started to cry out, but the man slapped a hand over my mouth. I looked up at him, and my eyes went wide. It was Simon!" My evidence supports my claim because the quote tells you specifically that Simon found Michael. I chose this evidence because it shows you why Ma and Da are handling the obstacle well because they found Simon and he was not dead, but he was very hurt. 

Emma Kuchta 2/13/24