Characters Reactions to Obstacles

Many obstacles occur duing the story...

Describe how the character is currently reacting to this obstacle.

Describe their reaction with evidence from the book and explain why you think they reacted that way.

-Emma Tolle


Simon's main obstacle to overcome is to not get caught by anyone and leave the enemy lands. Simon reacted to this obstacle by being calm and trusting Micheal and his parents to get him out safely. On page 170 the text states " "It is all set Micheal" Ma said, " Simon leaves tomorrow night." " That shows that Simon trusts the family to get him out soon with as little trouble as possible. Simon told Micheal that it was time to go home and Simon told Micheal about how much he missed his family. On pages 170-171, the text says "Simon hated being cooped up in that small closet all day. Never getting outside. Never seeing the sun. Away from  his friends and family."  I predict that Simon will hide and on the night he is to go home he will get caught and taken away.  This is how Simon reacted to the main obstacle