Difficult Choice

Describe a difficult choice the character had to make.

Use evidence (direct quotes) from the text to support your answer.   What made them make the choice they did.  What motivates them to react the why they did.
Analyze what you think this character's choice says about them.


by: Elena Luong

One difficult choice Fritz had to make was, should he betray Michael. In the story, Fritz is Michael's German friend. Michael is a spy, but Fritz is the exact opposite. While Michael hates Hitler's guts, Fritz worships Hitler, and will die for him. Michael taught a lot of things to Fritz and they helped each other, Michael even saved Fritz on time. Fritz finds out Michael is a spy, and is wondering should I betray Michael. In the end he ends betraying Michaels, but dies in the process. I know this because it says on page 39, "Without giving it another moment's thoughts, I threw myself into the fight." My second piece of evidence is on page 138, it says, "No I mean, I'm really, really sorry," Fritz whispered, and he pushed me off the platform. My last piece of evidence says it all on page 294," I had hung on, but Fritz hadn't. I was alone on the roof of the cable car. When you fell down, it was over." All three pieces of evidence prove my claim because the first, was when Michael saved Fritz, the second, when Fritz helps Michael pass the courage test because he is afraid of heights, and the last when Fritz betrays Michael but dies in the process. Overall, this just says that Fritz was a bad person, who loved Hitler more than life.