Comparing Two Characters

Pick 2 characters:

Compare how they are similar and how they are different.

Include examples from the text to support your answer. 
Explain how these differences and similarities effect the characters relationships.

By Eliana Gale

Let's talk about fritz and Lina. They are siblings and they have a lot of things  differences. First off Lina is shy and barely ever talks but Fritz wants to lead and be on the top. For example on page 156 in the text it says " I need a volunteer  to lead the first wave of attack, our leader said. He eyed me  but there was no way I was going to  be the first person through that door wearing an SRD uniform,no less! Then, to my surprise, Fritz's hand shot up waiting to be called on." This shows that he really wants to be a leader and be on the top of everyone unlike Lina who is shy and doesn't talk. For example on page 162 in the text it says "Lina shut the door and locked it, then turned and waited. Do you ever speak ? I asked her. Lina just stared at me." this shows that she is very quiet and doesn't want to talk much even is a person is talking to her. One similarity  that Fritz and Lina have is they are both overbearing. First, Fritz is  always pushing to be on top and make himself stand out. Second, Lina is very overbearing because Lina thinks she should already marry Michael even if Michael doesn't want to.