Birthday Gift

, If you could buy the perfect gift for this character...

What would it be?

What evidence from the text makes you think this is the best gift?
Explain why you chose this gift and how would you predict the character would react and why.

Emma Tolle


If I were to give Simon a gift I would give him a reviving potion. I would give this to him because on page  248 the text says " He's Dead." showing that Simon is well... dead.  On the next page, the text says " He died while trying to escape." That shows that Simon was trying to escape and get away but he died. The reviving potion would make him come back to life again. I would also give him a new plane because his got broken. And last I would give him a bird repellent. I would give him bird repellant because, around the middle of the book, Simon tells Micheal that he is scared of birds. With all of this evidence, you can see that I would give Simon a reviving potion,  A new plane that is better than the other one, and a bird repellant.   I think that after Simon used the reviving potion would be very grateful and happy so now he can still fly a plane without worrying about birds.  This is how I think Somin  would react to all of his presents