Being in the Character's Shoes

Imagine you were in the character's shoes in one of the situations of the book...

How would you handle this situation?

Include examples of the character's thoughts, feelings, and actions during this portion of the book to support why you chose this reaction. 
Explain how this reaction will change the character or the story and why.

Emma Tolle


If I were Simon I would handle the situation of being stuck in enemy places much worse.  On page 246 the text says "Simon was not squirming or trying to get away."  that means he was calm and ready for anything. I would have been squirming and trying to get away. I would have been screaming and yelling for help, and I would not be ready to die. On page 246 the chapter name is " Knowing what is to come" which shows that Simon is ready to die and is ready to know what's to come. I would not be ready to die and I would scratch the whole plan and continue to hide in the secret closest.  Also, The text says "You have to turn me in" This is on page 229 and it means that Simon knows what he needs to do for the war. I would never be brave enough to do that. On the same page the text says "You will have to take the plans with you to Switzerland." that means he will not be able to do the job. I bet he is really scared but he knows that he has to do this. Simon is very fearless and he can do stuff I would never be brave enough to do. It seems very scary knowing that you are going to sacrifice yourself.