How was the character affected by the problem?

 Explain how the problem affected the character and how they reacted.

By Eliana Gale

The problem affected Michael because he had to get on top of the cable car. Because of this Michael is forced to face his fear again and he is very scared. For example on page 281 in the text it says "I couldn't do it . Couldn't focus. I lost control of my breathing and started to hyperventilate. I was going to fall." This shows that he was very nervous and didn't believe he could do it but he had to or else Fritz was going to blow up the scientist. The cause of this made him face his fear and become the new Micheal. For example on page 287 in the text it says "He knew I wouldn't do it. I knew I couldn't  do it. He was just going to stand there taunting me until the bomb went off because my fear of heights had paralyzed me. But that was the old Michael . The Michael who thought this was all a game.  But this was Michael who knew it was real. I pulled myself up on the arm of the cable car, drew my Hitler Youth dagger from its sheath, and took a step toward him, ready to fight." Because of this he is now the new Michael and he is not afraid of heights and not afraid to fight for his life.